Slade Watkins

Why I don't just "choose a platform"

I’m often asked why I don’t have a “platform allegiance,” which is usually directed towards my “inability to pick” either Android or iOS and stick with it. Every time, I usually give some sort of non-answer. The thing is, there are pros and cons to both platforms, and I actually do have a preference. I’ve just never explicitly stated that preference. I’ve never acted like I have said preference, either. But if it’s even there, then why would I avoid it?

Let me start with what the preference is: Android. I 100% without a doubt prefer Android. It’s my favorite mobile OS out of the two primary ones. I defected to iOS a couple years ago due to feeling like I wasn’t having the best experience, as if I was missing the point of Android. Maybe it was the fact that iOS has iMessage and - at least at the time - basically all my friends used it. Maybe it was the lack of customizability when it came to the OEM’s software skin. Maybe it was just because I was unhappy.

I don’t know. There are so many possibilities, but no definite reasons. And that on its own complicates my decision-making process. Because for years, I’ve tried to decide what my main platform should be. I’ve tried not to get sucked into Apple’s walled garden. And I’ve failed miserably. Because iMessage, Continuity between my phone, Mac, and iPad, and the difficulty of leaving has dragged me down.

Apple’s walls are high. But the things you can do with an Android phone are endless. I just spent a full hour or so, before editing this post for publication, flashing LineageOS on to my Pixel. I did so successfully, which I was proud of, and I remarked that it runs better than my 3 year newer iPhone. Like, way better. It’s honestly quite shocking, if I’m being completely honest.

I’ve given the whole “switching phones every few months” thing a lot of thought. With my recent LineageOS installation project, which by the way: I did after having a random text conversation with a friend of mine about possibly going back to Android. I’ve been using LineageOS for a few hours and it’s absolutely amazing some of the things you can do with it versus “stock” Android. I’m still finding new things to play with.

So with that, perhaps I’ll give Android a try again with this fresh start. With the ability to customize and tweak, and my newfound love for the platform, I think it’s time. And the timing couldn’t be more perfect because I’ve been wanting to do this for a while.

I feel like I’ve just gained access to something I’ve been missing out on for a long time: the fun part, and the future of Android.

#Android #iOS #phones