Slade Watkins

Why blog?

Why blog? Blogging is so the 90s. My grandpa has a blog. My aunt has a blog. So why should I have one? I’m part of Gen Z, I don’t need a blog, do I? The answer to those last two questions is no… I don’t, but I want one. The first question I asked, well that requires some explanation.

Social media sites drastically limit you on the amount of characters you can have in a post. On Facebook, it’s 3,000 characters per post. On Instagram, it’s just around 2,200 characters per caption. On Twitter, it’s 280 per Tweet. With all the time Gen Z spends on social media, I don’t think we’ve realized just how limited we truly are. For platforms that are driving creativity, we have no feasible way of writing long-form content outside of them. At least not yet.

So that’s why blogs are so important. Blogs, while an old concept, are where longer forms of writing can go. They’re able to be shared on social media since you can just post a link, and they’re easy to maintain if you find a platform that works for you. Medium did it for me for a while, but I’ve moved over to this site - Bear Blog - since I was unhappy with its features.

For me, blogging is a chance to stretch my creativity. To become a better writer and communicator. To share my ideas free of the limitations of social media. It feels natural. Perhaps I’ll keep it up this time.
