Slade Watkins

My Graduation Speech

A few days ago, I graduated high school. I still can't believe it happened and I've been emotional ever since. I wanted to share the whole speech with you, since it meant a lot to me.

This year has gone by so quickly that it is hard to believe that this day is actually here. I still haven’t even processed the “being a senior” thing. I suppose time flies when you’re having fun, or are stuck inside for a bit.

This school has changed a lot since my freshman year. A new A/B day schedule was implemented, the walls got a new coat of paint, the flooring in the hallways were replaced, and I’m sure there are countless more I could list. But nothing here ever felt different with any of those changes, because what makes our school, well... our school, isn’t what is in the building, it’s who is in the building.

I have no doubt that my experience here would be what it was without all of you. I’m going to miss this place. I’m going to miss seeing all of you each day. I’m going to miss the morning greetings and the conversations, both on and off topic, that we have. And I’m going to miss all the other little things, because each and every one made a positive impact on my learning, my day, and ultimately my life. ...I just won’t miss the commute, because that was a lot sometimes.

I often wonder things like “If things had gone differently years ago, where would I have ended up?” Thinking about questions like that always lead me to the same conclusion: the answers really don’t matter at all. Because I was meant to be here, I was meant to spend the last four years in this building, and I was meant to speak in front of all of you today.

I leave here not knowing what’s next. And if I’m being completely honest, I’m okay with that. I’m going to go where life takes me. I’m going to explore new places I haven’t had the chance to yet, take chances when I can, and experience things I haven’t had the chance to experience yet.

To say all of you, in some way, have changed my life would be an understatement. Thank you for everything you have done for me.

The ceremony was amazing and I'm going to miss my school so much. I'll never forget making my speech in front of my (now former) teachers, principal, friends, family, and peers. But I'm ready for the next adventure, even if I have no idea what that is yet. And stay tuned, because I'll make sure to share what my next big step is with all of you as soon as I take it.